What do I do if I have a concern?
Effective communication and partnership are key to helping us ensure your child is happy, challenged and engaged in their learning in and out of school. This involves you talking to us about concerns, worries and successes about your child at home; and us raising concerns, worries and successes about your child at school. We need to establish this understanding quickly so that we can do the best for your child.
Please talk to us about your child so we know your view of their development. If you have any concerns we are here to support and discuss possible solutions that will resolve your concerns.
The chart shows the process of communicating with the school about individual matters related to your child’s academic or social progress.
Action | Possible Resolution | |
1st POINT OF CALL | Talk to your child's class teacher after school or make an appointment to meet with them. This includes any concerns around playtime and lunchtimes. | Identify issue, discuss possible solutions, agree how to monitor or what the outcome will be. This may include a time scale to ensure the matter is resolved or to review the situation. |
To discuss further, make an appointment with the Assistant Headteacher (Mrs Gavagan) or SENDCo (Ms Manning) depending on the nature of the concern. | Discuss concerns, consider ways forward. Actions and time scales to be put in place. |
If not resolved, make an appointment with the Deputy Headteacher (Mr Williams) or Headteacher (Mrs Pankhania). | Discuss with Headteacher, monitor and refer to other services as necessary |
4th POINT OF CALL | We endeavour to ensure that we can support all parents with any concerns and come to resolutions before this stage, however if you are not happy with the outcomes or support you have been given. Please refer to our Complaints Policy here. |
Mrs Pankhania (Headteacher) and Mr Williams (Deputy Headteacher) are available to meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns and are on the gate most mornings although on most matters, the process shown above should resolve concerns and issues. We have an open door policy with parents and encourage you to use our school systems to work together to gain the best outcomes for your child.
Thank you for your support.