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Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Sports Premium Funding 2018/2019

 Little Hill Primary School PE and Sport Mission Statement

At Little Hill Primary School, we wish to provide the best PE and sport provision possible. We aim to deliver a programme of high quality lessons and to provide a pathway to participation that will enable all pupils to build their confidence and achieve their full potential.

Primary School PE and Sport Funding for 2018/19

The government provides additional funding to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and is allocated directly to primary schools to achieve the Department for Education’s vision for Primary PE and Sport Premium that:

ALL pupils leaving primary school will be physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical education and sport.

This funding is ring- fenced and therefore can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools.

Purpose of funding

The funding has been provided to ensure impact against the following objective:

To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. It is important to emphasise that the focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.

It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators:

  1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity- kick starting healthy active lifestyles.
  2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport.

Objective 1:

To continue our high-quality lunchtime experience, through the ‘happy lunchtime’ scheme, expanding the opportunities available for physical activity and school sport for all pupils.

PE and School Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator 1, 3 and 5



Intended Impact and Review

  • Continue with the new ‘happy lunchtime’ strategy to maximise physical activities on offer to all pupils.
  • Use of lead PE specialist (HG) and Lunchtime leader (RH) to strategically plan and support sports leaders and sports ambassadors to deliver and oversee lunchtime activities within specific zones. They will continue to specifically target the involvement of underactive pupils through fun activities: dance, penalty shoot outs, hula hoops etc.
  • Equipment purchase to upgrade PE equipment available for lessons, so that older equipment could be re-purposes / reassigned for lunchtime use.






TLR: £3,495

Class Release Time: £260


Equipment: £1,165







All pupils engaged in an expanding range of physical activities at lunchtime.

Increased in the number of targeted under active pupils taking part in physical activity at lunchtimes.

Playground leaders received training and provide a range of sporting activities in both Key Stage playgrounds, which has helped to increase the levels of participation. 

Lunchtime manager (RH), PE Specialist (HG) and lunchtime supervisors to be provided with ongoing high-quality coaching to sustain the levels of pupil interest and participation in lunchtime activities.

Lunchtime manager has supported lunchtime supervisors in running the different activities within the zones in both key stage playgrounds. 

Pupils are able to demonstrate leadership skills in developing sustainable playground games at lunchtime, increasing participation in physical activity, leading to an overall increased mental wellbeing and health.

Playground leaders have helped to support this. Many pupils are happy and keen to participate in the different sporting activities on offer across both playgrounds. 



Objective 2:

To raise awareness of Health and fitness statements (target tracker).

PE and School Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator:

  • To promote movement as part of the being an active school; using online activities and ensuring lessons are active, with an element of movement. PE specialist provides all teaching staff with a refresher/ memo of online ‘brain gym’ activities such as ‘go noodle,’ active 10, daily mile etc.
  • The government target is an hour a day so the aim is to complete ½ hour during school time.
  • Ensure cross curricula coverage for Health and Fitness.
  • Promote the use of outdoor equipment during the rest of the lessons throughout the school day.

No cost

Children to become less static during the school day.

Active learning takes place across the school in all areas of the curriculum.  Many teachers are using brain gym, Just Dance and Go Noodle to support pupils in their transitions between lessons. 

More active and healthy pupils across the school.

Consistency of use of the activities to support Health and fitness as the pupils move up through the school. E.g. Go Noodle

More active and engaged pupils during core subjects and therefore more motivated and enthusiastic learners.

INSET for staff on use of outdoor learning, Evidence of outdoor learning in other curriculum areas other than P.E.



Objective 3:

To increase participation levels of all pupils taking part in extra curriculum sporting activities and competition, with a focus on pupil premium children.

PE and School Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator: 1,2,3 and 5



Intended impact

  • Metcalf sports employed to provide a wide range of extra-curricula sporting activities through breakfast clubs and after school clubs.
  • Metcalf sports to provide the same sports coach (JL) to ensure that there is consistently high-quality teaching and familiarity for the pupils.
  • Metcalf sports coach to provide football, rugby, and dance clubs, open for all pupils, including Foundation, to move away from the focus being on a selection of pupils for sports teams.
  • PE specialist (HG) to develop the parent pupil partnership by inviting parents of PP children to take part in a ‘Yoga/dance’ workshop with their child.
  • Following on from parent and child workshop, HG to lead a Yoga club within the spring term, to encourage PP children to participate more in physical activities and opportunities.
  • End of year celebration for parents to celebrate the schools sporting year.
  •  (sports day)
  • Year 6 pupils invited to Little Hill from all the feeder schools to take part in an Ultimate Challenge morning.
  • Freestyle footballer invited to present and assembly and run workshops to inspire pupils.

Club subsidies: £3,145













Subscriptions for LSLSSP: £2,650





Freestyle Footballer: £650

More pupils being physically active both before and after school.

Pupils feel more confident and willing to join the range of clubs on offer as they become familiar with the sportscoach. (JL)

Pupils are confident and keen to attend the Metcalf Sports clubs ran by JL. This is having an impact on the children and their enthusiasm for wanting to participate in both the breakfast and after school clubs. 

Pupils are more confident to take part in a range of clubs, without feeling the pressure of team selection. Teaching staff to provide more focused, skilled coaching for pupils that have been selected for sports teams. Therefore, teams are more prepared for level 2 competitions out of school.

Club numbers have risen over the last year. 

Continue to develop the parent, pupil partnership across the school. Parents become more involved in the importance of health and well-being and being physically active as a family.

Sessions have been very successful and feedback from these parents and families was very positive. we shall continue to provide more of them next academic year. 

More pupils enjoying and participating in physical activity.

Children compete in teams to complete 12 challenges focusing on skill, mental, and physical agility.

Another very successful Ultimate Challenge event this year, with great feedback from both pupils and staff from the local schools.



Objective 4:

To log and display both inside and outside of the school achievements of children on the PE display.  

PE and School Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator 1, 2 and 5



Intended impact

  • Log sporting successes shared in Key Stage assemblies.
  • Promote the EOY area celebrations evening.
  • Use data gathered over the year to enter different pupils for the EOY area sporting celebrations evening.
  • To have a PE coordinators board in a visual place within the school to celebrate pupils’ success.
  • PE specialist to remind all staff to send pupils to her classroom to share any sporting successes.
  • PE specialist to take photos of any sporting successes, including certificates, pupils with medals etc to put onto PE display.


No cost












Raised profiles of external clubs within the community during celebration assemblies at school, encourage pupils to join and therefore continue to take part in more physical activities both in and out of school.

Pupils come to the Sports Lead (HG) on a regular basis to share their sporting successes out of school.

They are presented with a sports award sticker

More children to apply for the EOY sports award evening for the whole of Leicestershire and Rutland schools.  

Applications were put in for a few children in the school and one of the pupils was nominated and achieved the runner up for the sportsman of the year award! 

Pupils feel more inspired to want to take part and share sporting successes if they are displayed on the PE board. 

Successes are now displayed in different ways for parents i.e. use of twitter and the school newsletter sporting section. 



Other Activities



Intended impact

  • Specialist PE coach to bring in wider skills to enhance the range of sports undertaken during PE lessons
  • Additional swimming coaches
  • Travel to sporting events

PE Coach: £1,900

Swimming Coaches: £1,285

Taxis: £1


The coach will bring knowledge and skills in a wider range of sports than can be offered by our own school staff, increasing the potential for less active pupils to find a sport they enjoy.

Additional swimming coaches facilitate smaller groups, leading to higher quality teaching and learning

Funding travel to sporting events means that we can increase participation in such events by removing financial barriers

Total Spend £14,680
Balance of £4,930 to be carried forward to 2019-20 academic year