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Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Parents Questionnaire Results

Please click on the links below and to the side to see previous results.

Thank you to all parents and carers who have completed previous questionnaires. We value the time taken by them to share their views on a range of issues and have used this feedback to improve our policies and procedures.

Parents Questionnaire 2021/22 - Results

During the spring term of last academic year, we sent out a Parent/Carer Feedback Questionnaire. Please find an analysis of the results below.

Amount of Responses: 92

Average time to complete the questionnaire: 6-7mins


Is your child on the SEND register at our school (Special Educational Need and Disability)? (Tick box answer)

Analysis: the vast majority of parents/carers are clear about whether their child is on the SEND register or not. For those that are not sure, this can be re-clarified for you at parents’ evening next week. If a child is on the SEND register, then you will be co-setting termly targets with your child’s class teacher. You will also be a part of regular meetings – for example, when inputting into a Pupil SEND Passport or reviewing previous targets with the class teacher. If your child is on the SEND register, then you will receive a copy of their SEND paperwork this week.


Question (for parents/carers whose children are on the SEND register only):

Can you comment on the how your child's needs and progress is communicated with you? (Written answers)

Analysis: the vast majority of parents/carers (92%) made extremely positive comments about how their child’s needs and progress is communicated. It was felt that communication is supportive and facilitates you in many ways (conversations on the gate, in the playground, in a formal meeting, parents’ evenings, telephone calls, Class Dojo, Data Snapshots, SEND paperwork). It was also commented on that at the start of a new academic year, it can take time for the child’s new class teacher to build effective relationships with children who are on the SEND register. This academic year, we have held additional transition meetings between your child’s previous class teacher and their current one. The focus of these meetings has been to discuss your child’s wellbeing, attainment and progress as well as reviewing their SEND profiles since starting with their teacher this academic year. These meetings have been extremely valuable and have allowed us to facilitate your child in achieving the best possible outcomes this year.



My child enjoys being part of Little Hill? (for example: they feel safe, happy and listened to) (Written answers)

Analysis: the vast majority of parents/carers (97%) expressed that their children felt happy, safe and secure at school. We were extremely happy to hear this as this is the school we see, day in, day out. Children come to school with a positive attitude and are ready to learn. If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing at school, then we’d encourage you to speak with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Please arrange an appointment, a phone call or message on Class Dojo (please remember, staff may take up to 5 working days to reply via Class Dojo, so for urgent matters, please contact the school office).


How do you find the way Little Hill keeps you up-to-date with how your child is progressing at school? (Tick box answer)

(e.g. through Class Dojo, Parent's Evening's, Data Snapshots, Reports, Sharing Learning Achievements, any conversations that you've had with the school etc)


Analysis: 89% of parents/carers feel that the way that we keep them updated about their child’s learning is either useful or extremely useful. If you are finding that the updates you receive about your child’s learning has not been useful, then Parents’ Evening next week is the perfect opportunity to discuss this.



I am able to communicate effectively with my child's class teacher? (Written answer)

Analysis: 92% of parents/carers feel that they can communicate effectively with their child’s class teacher. Class teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo (for non-urgent matters) and through the school office (for more urgent matters). Class teachers are always willing to make telephone and face-to-face appointments as well as members of the Senior Leadership Team.



My child is well supported in the classroom and the curriculum matches their needs? (Tick box answer)

Analysis: 77% of parents/carers either agree or strongly agree that their child is well supported in the classroom and that our curriculum matches their needs. Over the course of last academic year, we have been working hard to revise many aspects of our wider curriculum. Each subject taught has a clear progression in learning from EYFS through to Year 6 – more information can be found on our website. If you would like any further information about our curriculum, then please feel free to have a conversation with your child’s class teacher about this or alternatively, book an appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.



What do you feel the strengths of Little Hill are? What are your suggestions for areas to develop and improve at Little Hill?  (Written answer)



- Parent support

- Welcoming and kind

- Care for the children and being giving appropriate support

- Helpful and supportive staff - all seem very knowledgeable, capable and approachable. They deal with any issues quickly and treat the children as individuals.

- Fantastic communication at all times

- A safe and fun environment for my child to learn in

- Brilliant opportunities for all children

- Enthusiasm which ripples into the children in many different ways and has had a massively positive impact.

- Children wearing a PE kit all day

- Friendly manor – a happy place to be

- Well resourced

- Class Dojo: a platform that is really informative and accessible.

- Always being caring for everyone and taking parents feedback into consideration

- Teaching and support staff are all excellent. Office reception staff are really helpful. There is an ethos of acceptance and kindness amongst the children modelled by the staff.

- Encouragement to read books with my little ones so they would love books from the beginning

- Data snaps shots are excellent as it gives a baseline where focus is required.

- Trips and curriculum experiences

- The teaching staff and the teaching assistants are an asset.

- Little hill is very good at encouraging children academically and helping them reach their potential.

- Little’s Hill’s passion and enthusiasm for reading and aiding the children to develop and grow in this area.

- The school values are clear and my children even reference it at home in what they do.

- WOWZER celebration assemblies are fun and memorable.

- Parents are given good notice about events or special themed weeks or competitions.

- Communication

- Teaching Assistants are very hard working

- Our commitment to Covid safety through the pandemic.

- Family feeling environment.

- Children are at the heart of every decision.

- How different cultures are celebrated.


Suggested Areas for Development

- Introduce a breakfast provision for the children. (We now run the Toast Station every morning. The Hunny Pot use our site for their before and after school provision – please contact them directly for more details).

-Teaching live online if we entered another lockdown. (Hopefully, this won’t happen but as in the previous lockdowns, we operated within government guidance. We always make decisions in the best interest of the majority of our children and this was the case with our approach to using Class Dojo in the way that we did during the pandemic. For more information, please refer to our Blending Learning Policy which can be found on our website. Alternatively, we’re more than happy to discuss this further with you).

- We do miss the fairs, activities parents can get involved with, and general community spirit. (We completely agree! Which is why we held both the Jubilee Dance Showcase and the Celebration of Sports in the summer term – both of which, the community were invited to. We will continue to host events like this. Towards the end of this week, we will be sending out a letter about reforming the ‘Parent Staff Association’ – we hope that many of you will be able to support us).

- The way some difficult situations are handled (Decisions are always made in the absolute best interest of children. If you ever have any queries, then please feel free to speak with your child’s class teacher and/or a member of the Senior Leadership Team).

- Some parents would like to see more homework whilst others think there is too much (Last week, we sent out an informative poster which outlined our homework expectations).

- Better communication between teachers regarding SEND concerns when children move up to a new class would be helpful. (This academic year, we have held additional transition meetings between your child’s previous class teacher and their current one. This week, if your child is on the SEND register, you will receive an up-to-date copy of their SEND Support Plans).

- More trips (During the pandemic, we had to but a temporary hold on all trips and visits. However, we are now running overnight residential visits in Years 2, 4 and 6 as well as educational visits in all year groups and we started an annual whole-school trip last year).

- Drop off and pick up times can be stressful with the way cars park and block paths (Please be considerate to each other and our community).

- More regular updates about the children’s learning on Class Dojo (Our first primary aim is the teaching and learning that happens in the classroom. Teachers will post updates on their class stories as necessary).

- Behaviour management (An updated copy of our Pupil Behaviour Policy can be found on our website – click here).

- School lunches (Our school lunches are provided by an external service called ‘School Food Support’ which comes from Leicestershire County Council. We will continue to have conversations around school lunches following any parental feedback).

- Having an overview of the year’s topic so we know what units are going to be covered. (Here is a link to the wider curriculum overview for Years 1-6 which can be found on our website. Further information around each subject can be found here on the website too. Please do speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any further questions).

- More clubs to select from and better outdoor facilities (We are now offering a much wider range of clubs. Over the summer holidays we had outdoor gym equipment installed as well as a Multi-Use Games Area - MUGA).

- Having smaller class sizes and more support staff (Unfortunately, we are bound by our allocated budget from the government. We endeavour to use this in the best possible way to support children in their education. Unfortunately, having class sizes smaller than 30, is not a sustainable option).

- Uniform standards have slipped (We completely agreed. We have updated our uniform policy and now, our children look smarter than ever).

- Return of face-to-face Parents’ Evening (Next week, our Parents’ Evenings are face-to-face).