Parents Questionnaire 2016/17 - Results
We are really pleased to say that there has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our questionnaires. We had 121 responses. We work hard to ensure that we provide the best provision for all of our children and families and it is only possible with your support. Your suggestions and comments are greatly valued and they inform future improvements to our school. We continuously strive to better and improve the education of our pupils; your input in that for us is vital and so thank you for completing the questionnaire.
I have outlined some of the comments that were made on the questionnaires below. It is very difficult to respond to all of them, however, they have all been noted, thought about and acted on if possible.
Many of you commented on what you felt we do really well as a school. I have put a list together below of the comments that were reflected in many responses.
- Your children are happy, safe and love coming to school to learn.
- You feel that all staff are caring, approachable and helpful. Teaching is fantastic, with the children being encouraged, supported and taught an array of topics.
- Good, varied lunchtime and after school clubs and opportunities to try different things, the majority of which being free.
- You feel that our communication is good, regarding what is happening in school and are pleased with the new texting service.
- Our new website is a huge hit, many stating how it is easier to use and navigate. You feel that the electronic payment app for dinners/trips is fantastic.
- You feel that the school is run to a high standard, that management are an asset to the school, dealing with any concerns promptly and effectively, with an open door policy. You feel that we listen and support both parents and pupils.
- You feel that we understand and support the individual needs of our pupils.
- You feel that the school has created a friendly, positive environment with the children’s best interests at the forefront of everything we do.
Some of the areas you feel we need to focus on:
Your suggestions for areas to develop and improve. |
What we are doing about it. |
1. You have asked whether letters can be sent via email (some parents receive two copies of correspondence). |
We are in the process of doing this for those that would prefer to be emailed and this will be rolled out in the Summer Term. |
2. A number of you have asked what it happening with Year 6. |
An update letter was sent out in February advising of recent developments and plans will be coming soon on the school website. |
3. A small number of parents have asked if more school trips could be offered. |
A review of this is taking place at the moment. Watch this space! |
4. We have had lots of positive comments in relation to homework; a small number of you raised some questions and put ideas forward. |
We would very much like to review our homework policy with you. We will be sending out a homework questionnaire for you to complete so that we can review homework across the school. |
5. A small number of you feel that mandatory music lessons would be beneficial. |
In Key Stage 2 we have ukulele lessons and the option to play an instrument for the Brass band. If anyone knows of a peripatetic teacher for Key Stage 1, then please let us know as I am very keen to start this. |
6. A small number have suggested that teacher’s photos on the website would be useful, making the teachers more familiar to parents and children. |
This in the process of being discussed and reviewed in light of your responses. |
7. A small number of you asked if you can directly email your child’s teacher as it is not always possible to speak with them. |
We understand that it is not always possible to speak to your child’s teacher; however, should you wish to contact them via email, please send these to the office email address or through the contact us section of the website and it will be given directly to them. |
Below are the results from the questionnaire.