Family Forums
'Excellent partnership work fully embedded across the school, we can see the impact of parent partnership. We liked that the entry told us what they did with parent feedback. Impressed with the direct access to services for parents.'
(Quote from the judging panel on our school winning at the National SEND Awards)
Aims of the forums
At Little Hill we aim to involve parents as much as possible in the education of their children. Our Family Forums have been very popular and they have allowed parents to have their say about the way the school supports children with a range of different needs.
"It is very beneficial to meet other parents with SEND children and listen to other's experiences."
"They are really helpful as you can talk openly about everything without the feeling of being judged."
Although the meetings are primarily aimed at parents of pupils with SEND, or additional needs, many interested parents and family members have also been involved and are of course equally welcome.
The meetings allow you to talk to other parents, staff and a range of different professionals. They enable you to find out information and share your views on how things are going. It has been great to have so many parents involved in shaping the school's SEND provision and already changes have been made to how we do things in response to your ideas.
Each forum has a particular area of focus, but there are always opportunities for parents to raise their own questions or discuss ideas in a supportive environment.
Previous family forums
Supporting pupils with sensory needs
A great joint training event. This forum was led by Casey Bateman from Autism Outreach and was well attended by both parents and SEND support staff.
Supporting pupils with anxiety
We were very pleased with the turn out for our forum with a focus on supporting pupils experiencing anxiety. This was attended by our school based counsellor, Leona Smith-Kerr and our ELSA (emotional support assistant), Nuala Richardson. Thanks to all our parents who contributed to this meeting.
Thank you to all of those parents who attended our family forums and workshops on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) led by Ian Hall from ADHD solutions. These additional workshops have all been part of our commitment to gaining the ADHD Kite Mark accreditation.
'Dyslexia Aware' practice
Thank you to all of those parents who attended our forum on dyslexia. We have used your ideas to develop our school offer for dyslexia and this will now be shared widely with parents and staff.
'Autism Aware' practice
This was a great success and helped us develop our school offer for autism.
Look out for events happening in school during Autism Awareness Week in March/April 2020.
'Emotionally Aware' schools.
Please go to the Mental Health and Wellbeing section of the website to find out about this successful event.
Information and Further Support
Please find below a link to the Family Information Directory. This includes information on childcare, children's activities, support groups, as well as advice and guidance and education.
Some of the leaflets and advice that have been shared at previous forums are found in the links below.