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Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Sports Premium Funding 2014/15


Primary Sports Grant – Report on Expenditure 2014-15

In 2014-15 Little Hill Primary School received a grant of £9,197 to spend on PE and Sports.  The following table identifies how that funding was spent during the 2014-15 financial year and our assessment of the impact of the expenditure:

Area of Spend





Introduced a table tennis club after school, which is attended well by a range of KS2 pupils. Table tennis tables accessible for all KS2 pupils to practice at lunch times. 12  pupils have used their skills to successfully take part in a Table Tennis Tournament organised by the National School Sports Association. 


A broader range of resources accessible for all of the pupils and staff within the school leading to teachers feeling better prepared and confident in the delivering of different PE units of work improving overall quality of PE sessions.


Table tennis tables and associated accessories



Various other additional PE equipment

-          Increased range of equipment, and additional quantities to reduce waiting/sharing time in lessons. Includes additional balls, swimming aids, etc








Tennis Coaching


Children have gained lots of confidence and skills in a new area of sport. With teachers working alongside the tennis coach, they have picked up a range of new ideas of activities for the delivery of Tennis as well as warm up techniques that they feel confident to use in future sessions which has enhanced the quality of the teaching of PE and Sport. This has been seen through learning walks and lesson observations.

A qualified Tennis coach for 2 terms to work with children and model outstanding PE lessons for staff.



Table Tennis Club


Children using their lunch times to practice and take pride in the learning of table tennis as a new sport. We have seen different children showing talent in new sporting pathways. 12 Pupils have used their skills learnt in the sessions to take part in a Table Tennis Tournament organised by the National School Sports Association.

A coach to lead lunchtime and after school table tennis clubs (2 terms)





Year 5 children given the opportunity to have more of a say in the teaching and organising of PE and sport within the school. Meeting with the PE coordinator to share their views and ideas. Improving pupils attitudes towards PE.

Taxi to a Sporting Ambassadors event




Multi-Sports Coaching and after school sports club


The huge range of extra curricula sports clubs that are now on offer has increased from 2 in previous year to 13 this year. These clubs offer wide varieties of sporting opportunities to pupils of all ages, ranging from Archery to Multiskills to Gymnastics.  This has, therefore, increased pupil participation in Curriculum sports. 69% of children now take part in a sporting extracurricular  activity. Last year only 13% of children took part in sports clubs, resulting in an improvement of 56% in one year.


Teaching sessions provided by Rising Stars have provided all teachers with CPD training, therefore giving them more confidence and quality in their delivery of different units of PE.

Rising Star sports coaches to work alongside teachers to model effective PE lessons and increase the range of sports which children are engaged in.



Get Doing Sports Day


A successful day fully enjoyed by all staff, parents and pupils. Get Doing provided the children with opportunities to take part in a range of different sporting activities, where they demonstrated sportsmanship and experienced competition with medals and trophies being handed out to winning teams! 100% of children took part in competitive sport through the year.

A local sports coaching company to provide a day of different sporting activities for the whole school.









Plans for 2015-16

In 2015-16 we expect to receive a similar grant to that received in 2014-15.  Our plans for using this grant to further enhance PE and sports provision within the school include:

  •  PE coordinator to attend training to improve the assessment of PE within the school.
  • External agency to deliver staff training on Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (as highlighted as areas of weakness in teachers questionnaires) to improve their confidence and therefore enhance the PE curriculum further.
  • Continue to use External agencies to continue to enhance the range of extra clubs available to pupils of all age ranges within the school.  
  • Take part in an Olympic Athlete day where children get to meet an Olympic Athlete and therefore continue the legacy of the 2012 London Olympics.

We expect to achieve the following outcomes for children as a result of these proposals:

  •  ASSESSMENT: teachers to identify Gifted and Talented pupils and provide further suitable provision.
  •  CPD: teachers to deliver regular high quality Outdoor and adventurous lessons.
  • EXTRA CURRICULA CLUBS: continue to increase the participation rate of pupils taking part in Sports Club and improve both the overall health and fitness of pupils.
  • OLYMPIC ATHLETE DAY:  inspire the pupils and continue to develop the positive attitude towards PE across the school.